Friday, 1 February 2013

Happy weekend!

The sky is gray and pouring with rain the entire week already. And it won’t get any better soon, so keep yourself warm and dry coming weekend. Planning for a trip? Don’t forget the umbrella! Those of you who stay at home, I advice a good book and an afternoon nap on the couch full with cozy cushions.

Did you know that daytime sleeping (otherwise known as a catnap or a siesta) is not as bad as you think? According to new research, it can actually benefit your health, enhance creativity and make you feel sharper and happier. So no more guilty feeling next time, when you lay down for a quick snooze. You’re doing yourself a big favor!  

                                                                                        Sources [clockwise] : 1, 2, 3.

Enjoy your power weekend! 

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