Monday, 25 August 2014

New Moon = New Beginning.

Tonight, there is a new moon in the sky. New moon energy can be powerful.Tapping into this energy can support your dreams and desires, because it brings new beginnings .
So, have you been ready for a change? Maybe you've been ready to throw everything away and start all over. If you have, you have the new moon to give you support.

A new moon represent a new beginning. It's a good time to move past the old, move through what no longer serves you, and set up whole new paradigms for your life, like ridding yourself of toxic relationships, clutter or over-scheduling.

The Tibetan Master says:
“The time of the new moon is a time to breathe in deeply and move into a calm state of mind. In this state, you can watch your emotions come and go and not be affected by them. In this calmness, you begin to see your life more clearly; you begin to see what is possible. Now you can tune into your Soul, your Higher Self. Stay calm, and let your Higher Self give you a vision of your true purpose”.

I invite you to tune into your Soul and create a vision board of your true desires. Go to a quiet space in your home where you can concentrate on yourself for a little while. Create a relaxing atmosphere. Put on inspiring music. Light a few candles if you want. Close your eyes and take a moment to reflect on your big goals and dreams. What do you want your ideal life to look like?

Find pictures that represent or symbolize the experiences, feelings, and possessions you want to attract into your life, and place them in your board. Have fun with the process! Use photographs, magazine cutouts, pictures from the Internet, happy quotes, whatever inspires you. Be creative!

How to use your vision board.
Keep your vision board on the nightstand next to your bed or hang it on the wall in your living room or office. Look at your vision board often and feel the inspiration it provides. Spend time each morning and evening visualizing and affirming your goals. Believe it is already yours.

Need some inspiration? Here a few inspiring pictures to get the idea.   

IMAGES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

I hope I've inspired you to create your own vision board. 


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