Thursday, 4 September 2014


I love WHITE!
White is just the perfect color; for it is all colors, in perfect balance and harmony.

White often reminds me of Heaven with angels dancing among the clouds in white flowing gowns and white wings. I often use this color in my house and for meditation. I also surround myself and other people (if they ask me to do so ;)) with the white light of healing and protection.

Sources [clockwise] : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
White Energy:

Strictly speaking, white is not a color, but the manifestation of the presence of all color - the complete energy of light. It stands for wholeness and completion. In many cultures it represents openness, truth, purity, cleansing, healing and protection. It is a good color for the removal of pain and suffering. It can also be used to clear blocks from your path. In the aura it signifies a high level of attainment, a higher level soul incarnate to help others. In feng shui, white represents the METAL element. Therefore, white is a wonderful color to use in the creativity/children (WEST) and helpful people/travel (NORTHWEST) areas of the bagua. 

White Color:

White is often used to represent coolness and simplicity. It's a good backgroud color. White’s association with cleanliness and sterility is often seen in hospitals, medical centers, and laboratories to communicate safety. The color white is also associated with low-fat foods and dairy products. In color psychology white is the color of new beginnings. It is the blank canvas waiting to be written upon. It opens the way for the creation of anything the mind can conceive.

White RGB color code

#FFFFFF= 255*65536+255*256+255 = (255,255,255)
RED=255, GREEN=255, BLUE=255

Shades of White:

Snow, pearl, antique white, ivory, chalk, milk white, lily, smoke, seashell, old lace, cream, linen, ghost white, beige, cornsilk, alabaster, paper, whitewash.

Wearing White:

Wear white to impart a pure, wholesome impression. Surround yourself with white if your surroundings feel cluttered and you want to refresh your mind.

What does WHITE mean to you?

Please share your thoughts and stories of different meanings and symbolism for the color white. I would love to hear from you!


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